Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Blame Game

Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar......

If one cookie goes missing then can there only be one culprit? Its never really just one who...unless its cookie monster. HE definately stole the cookies. But maybe he had friends, maybe, Some others want the cookie to be stolen. Who made cookie monster, a MONSTER in the first place? So are the monster makers the one that stole the cookies?

Blaming someone for something is never easy and trust me on this words can make all the difference. For example: Who was to blame for the Cuban Missile Crisis

Best answer: almost everyone involved had a part to play.

The trick is to be able to classify and make clear if the blame could fall more heavily on one or two parties. adjectives can make all the difference in an explanation words like:
Aggressive action, Provoke, Instigate, inaction, irk, irritate, anger
Explaining the blame is a tricky business. It is very easy to fall into the trap of describing what happened instead. Be clear and take about the nature of the blame and only about one party at a time. Here's an example of how it can go.
At the end of the day, both America and and USSR were responsible for the crisis where it seemed as if both might go to war. This is because both took deliberate and provacative action that made the other worry and fear for his country's safety. America is to blame for setting the stage that could allow the crisis to take place in the first place. By planning the bay of pigs incident where they tried to invade Cuba and by putting missiles that can reach moscow in turkey in 1959, it made both Cuba and Russia fearful and wary of them and more likely to take counter measures to off set their threat. Russia was at perphaps less at fault as their provocative action of putting missiles on Cuba was in defense of a communist state, Cuba. However, their Krushchev's defiant and attitude towards Kennedy's demands for their removal and the very act of putting the missiles there would provoke the USA to feel threatened and react to put in place aggressive measure like a naval blockade to protect themselves. At the end, it is the tensions, paranoid fear of the arms threat caused by both countries in this cold war that resulted in the crisis. If they had to try to diffuse tensions earlier and found a way to communicate, this entire affair could have been prevented.
Hope this helped

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